Passport, documents, visa 35 zł - 4 pieces, 45 zł - 8 pieces
From customer file 20 zł - 4 pieces
Academic degree 45 zł - 4 pieces, 55 zł - 6 pieces, 65 zł - 8 pieces
Digital recording of images for free!

C-41 10 zł
9x13 1 zł
10x15 1,30 zł
13x18 2 zł
15x21 2,30 zł
20x30 9 zł
Order from 100 pieces 10x15 - 1 zł

A4 (20x30) 35 zł
A3 (30X40) 50 zł
Triple calendar 40 zł

27x20 cm (88 elements) 70 zł
38x26 cm (252 elements) 90 zł
33x47 cm (500 elements) 110 zł

Photo cup 42zł

30x40 120 zł
40x50 150 zł
40x60 170 zł
50x70 200 zł
Non-standard sizes individually.
It is possible to print only the canvas.

20x30 35 zł
30x40 55 zł
40x50 75 zł
40x60 130 zł
50x70 140 zł
60x80 170 zł
We also printing non-standard sizes on request.

1200x800 around 700 kb 16 zł/per print
1800x1200 around 1,5 mb 19 zł/per print
2400x1600 around 3 mb 23 zł/per print

9x13 2 zł/per print
10x15 3 zł/per print
13x18 4 zł/per print
15x21 5 zł/per print
20x30 9 zł/per print

1800x1200 around 1mb 3 zł/per print
2400x1600 around 2,5 mb 4 zł/per print

30x40 20 zł/per print
40x50 38 zł/per print
40x60 42 zł/per print
50x70 65 zł/per print
60x80 75 zł/per print
Non-standard sizes individually.

T-shirt with print 50 zł/piece
Transfer from card, pendrive etc. to CD/DVD 20 zł/piece
Transfer VHS to DVD 23 zł/1h
Reproductions at the discretion
Puzzles 33x47 (500 elements) 85 zł